Mechanical Alchemist
Metal worker Mechanical Alchemist has got his herd together for a little shindig at
Super cool vintage bike shop 'Sargent and Co' in Finsbury Park. The herd being made up of vintage bike parts this seems to be the perfect spot for a party.
Top of the guest list was 'Stokey' the hot bellied robot who didn't just keep us warm but heated up Soffle's tasty Sweet Potato, Chilli and Coconut Soup, perfect for dipping the old Pitta chips in. However good a Pitta Chip is a little dipping can only make it all the more tasty, keeping in with the seasons Summer we have tzatziki, Winter we have Soup.......simple sense eh!
Anyway back to the metal man, also known as Pigskin he bought along lamps, monkey faces and his own sprused up golden postbike. That night it turned into a motorbike, well sounded like one a little trick of placing a few balloons in the wheels...genius!
And for Tanktress:
Loads of 2 wheeled friends for the Pitta Chip Truck to hang out with, looking pretty smart with her sign written box-oh yeah!